For FOUR consecutive years, the students of the Harvard Diversity Project have attended Harvard Debate Council's internationally residency and won the competition.
In the 11 months leading up to the Harvard summer residency, students attend Saturday school in Atlanta where they study under the tutelage of Brandon P. Fleming, Harvard University’s assistant debate coach. Fleming, an acclaimed author & Harvard educator, leveraged his Harvard debate faculty position to create the Atlanta-based pipeline for the intended purpose of increasing minority representation at the Harvard residency.
The program has gained the financial backing of major corporations such as Chick-fil-A Foundation, The Coca-Cola Company, Kaiser Permanente, UPS, Publix Super Markets, and the Atlanta Hawks, and Warner Media who fund scholarships for the Atlanta students to study at Harvard each summer.
During its inaugural year, the Harvard Diversity Project became a national media sensation after achieving a historic win at the Harvard summer debate residency.
In the months leading up to the summer, the first cohort of students sacrificed their Saturdays to study in Atlanta under the tutelage of Brandon Fleming, Harvard University’s Assistant Debate Coach. Fleming, an-at risk youth turned award-winning educator, leveraged his Harvard debate faculty position to create the Atlanta-based pipeline for the intent purpose of increasing minority representation at the Harvard residency.
The program gained the financial backing of major corporations such as Chick-fil-A Foundation, The Coca-Cola Company, Kaiser Permanente, UPS, Publix Super Markets, and the Atlanta Hawks, and Turner Broadcasting, who fund scholarships for students in the pipeline to study at Harvard each summer.
HDCDP seeks to develop
the young social and political
voice through our 3 pillars:
An incubator for academic excellence
A launchpad for young leaders
A hub for cultural pride